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Login Form


Users can create accounts to use the software by simply clicking the "Create Account" button. Quickly after, you are redirected back to the login page where you can reach your customer account. Managers can also access their side of the program by entering in their own administrative account logins.

Customer View


A function of this software includes a drink ordering system, where you can order as many drinks as you'd like, and also a generous tip to be added to the tab. The rewards page allows for frequent customers to be rewarded for their patronage by redeeming point for discounts on bar tabs.


When you are done with your drink orders and finish the night, you can check your tab and pay it with credit card.


Manager View


When you login with a manager account, you have access to all the behind-the-scenes information that the customer isn't able to see, such as inventory management, replenishment, and statistics, as well as a customer database to keep track of who has made what order throughout the evening.


While this was certainly a 400-level difficulty class, the class was a great way to dive into Python, HTML, and CSS. Having some experience in mostly Java, it was intriguing to work in Python, especially in a group setting.

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